Keystone's Sportsmen Club
Keystone's Sportsmen Club

Welcome to the Website of Our Club Keystone's Sportsmen Club

There is NO explosive targets permitted on any of the ranges use paper targets only !!!!! Please no rapid/automatic fire.             The Club ranges and pond are for members only to use. Club is implementing outdoor range hours.  Range can be used from 9am to dark/dusk. Outdoor range is closed during trap practice/shoots, 3D shoots/setup, LRS setup/shoot and during mowing.

Upcoming Events and News                                  




Indoor winter Archery shoot


Sorry but we have canceled the winter indoor archery league. I want to thank Chris and Cody giving there time and trying to start a new way of running league. It's not easy to be able do give up an entire evening to spend at the club. Keep watching their facebook page for future events 



Chris bloom 814-201-8073

Cody Kennedy 724-549-4035



The annual club membership drive will be held Sunday February 2, 2025 from 1pm to 4pm. The yearly dues are $30 for regular membership and $5 for junior membership (ages 12-18 years old). Lifetime Membership is $400.

Food and beverage will be provided for the membership drive. A Stevens Model:334 .243 camo will be raffled off at 4pm. Tickets will be available for members only!!! You can purchase tickets for yourself. They can be purchased at the regular monthly meeting or the membership drive on February 2. You do not have to be present to win. This event will be for members only








  We are always looking for people to help at events. Many of the members that regularly help at club have had to step away from the club because of health issues. If you could help please let Matt Brewer know.


Leann Gromley will be handling club rentals. Please contact her to rent club.
Irgromley@gmail. com

please leave message if she doesn't answer 

Remember must be club member to rent hall




Annual Kids Fish Day, ,

The Annual Kids Fish Day will be held on Saturday May 3, 2025. Registration will start at 2:00PM in the main hall. This event is held for kids 12 years and younger and open to the public. Fishing starts at 3:00pm until 6:00pm








I do my best to keep information up to date thru website, email, mail and Facebook. The best and easiest way to get information out is on Facebook. I have made a page for Regular club and Jr. club. We do our best to get emails and mailed information to the members. If you have not received regular mail or email please let us know so we can update our information


If you are a member and have not been receiving email or paper mail from the club please let us know. We have several emails that will not send and returned letter mailers, we send out 2-3 newsletters a year


                 Pond rules: kids 12 and under can fish for free when accompanied by a member, kids 12-18 can purchase a jr membership for $5.. 2 trout per day limit.          



Tuesday--Trap practice starting time 6:30 pm starting first Tuesday in March thru Nov.


Thursday- Adult .22 indoor shoots starting at 7:30. Arrive early to prepare your targets Jan-Apr.

Friday-- Youth 22 indoor shoots Starts at 7:30. Arrive early to prepare your targets. Kids age 8 thru high school (19 yr old max) must be accompanied by an adult Jan-Mar..  Youth 8&9yrs must have a mentor/adult to help at firing line. Youth 10-16 must be accompanied by parent/guardian or relative or have signed permission from parent/Guardian if riding with friends.  



Junior Club 

The Jr club meets first Monday @ 7 PM ..... . Any child between 8 yrs thru 18 yrs interested should attend this meeting. For more info contact Bonnie Brewer @ 724-465-2427


Meeting is Jan 6, 2025.  Meetings start at 8:00pm.

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© Keystone's Sportmens Club